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Humans, Nature and Balance

Writer's picture: AnnaAnna

Excerpts from the "Humans Not Robots" Newsletter

seaside, rocky beach and two small waves of the sea
by Aleksandra Zdeb of Zdebster Photography

What makes us different from machines is definitely being connected to outside conditions. There is so much that can influence us. Of course the most influential are people around us, individually and in systems, but this time, I'd like to explore how humans can connect to nature a bit more.

Humans versus the Nature

For a long time, I thought this is a lot of rubbish. Too much hocus-pocus and being way too close to wishful thinking and the wrong kind of "magic" that lets you just sit and wait for a miracle. All those focusing on the energy and creating the reality with your mind. Very not my kind of thing.

But on the other side, there are all the rituals connected to nature that all humans cultures created throughout the thousands of years we existed. So there is something there for sure, maybe it's just a question of balancing what is superstition and witchcraft and what is the healthy relation to it. And... probably it's very subjective and everybody is on the different place on the scale. So here we have a person from the second decade of XXI century trying to find the balance between being modern tech-enthusiastic human, at the same time trying to not run away from the roots of being a creature of nature.

view from the road looking at the fields of fruit trees and yellow cereal with a tree in front
by Aleksandra Zdeb of Zdebster Photography

Looking for Balance in the VUCA world

*VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity

If you're like me, you might be not too deeply spiritual, not too much about energies and vibes. But you might be all about enjoying outside world, being amazed about how complex it is (far more complex than created by humans VUCA world) and willing to learn from it and draw from it, without exhausting this unique supply. Well then, the nowadays world is not that easy for you too.  It's just hard to find balance. On one side there is all that seems crazy hippie, far removed from reality approach, on the other side we have the world depleted from contact with nature. The big question remains how to keep the balance. Especially if we live in the city.

Close capture on grass after the rain, with the message: "Felling rebellious? You should sit in nature for 20 minutes a day... Unless you're busy, then you should sit for an hour. Scary vision, isn't it?"
The Radical Act of Self-Care Instagram

This post will be shorter, because it is not about reading about how to connect to nature, but actually finding it and trying to incorporate it in your life. No matter if it is the weekend or working day, I hope there is always a way to experience it. If not for twenty minutes (or for an hour - as weird as it sounds), then maybe at least for five...


This is an excerpt from my newsletter from March, twice a month I send a "Humans Not Robots" Newsletter exploring something that is deeply human in complicated reality of XXI century. Besides the perspective, in every newsletter you can find some digital goodies, along with news on where you can find me and what is new.

ps. pictures used in this newsletter are made by my talented friend Aleksandra Zdeb of Zdebster Photography. (and yes you can hire her!)


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Anna Kuliberda Coaching


Tel: 0049 1522 25 63 182


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