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Embracing Imperfections and Cultivating Resilience

Writer's picture: AnnaAnna

This post was originally published on the Hive Mind platform. 

Check out the new Personal and Organizational Resilience Online Self-Paced Course on the Hive Mind platform and learn more about building yours and your organization's resilience.


Letting somethings go for better flexibility

During tough times, resilience becomes more than just a buzzword; it becomes vital to survival. Through the growth mindset, we can adapt to chaos by shifting our focus from unnecessary perfection to what truly sustains us. The more energy we conserve and the more we focus on what keeps us alive - both personally and professionally - the better equipped we are to handle any situation.


Understanding the Growth Mindset

The inventor of the growth mindset, Carol Dweck, describes it as a belief that the key to growth is letting go of perfectionism, and allowing yourself to try, fail, and retry. It's about asking for help and accepting limitations.

The culture of a growth mindset oriented organization will avoid shaming and perfectionism in its practices and messages, as well as will allow people to be uncertain, test their assumptions, and admit their mistakes.

Crisis management with a growth mindset

It is important to note that during a crisis, our brain naturally shifts into survival mode, seeking shortcuts and conserving energy for essential functions. A person can be absent-minded or not be as engaged, creative, and productive as usual. However, leaders with a growth mindset recognize this and reorganize work accordingly; teams with a growth mindset support each other stronger than usual. We need the growth mindset during a crisis in order to strike a balance between survival, productivity, and development.

Why does it matter?

A rational approach in crisis situations is to manage expectations (lower them!) and place a high priority on rest and regeneration. The growth mindset helps an organization to see the bigger picture and slow down when necessary – to bounce back once the crisis has passed. Moments of crisis are not the time to build new projects or concepts. In essence, they require assessing what the organization needs to survive and cutting out anything else that doesn't contribute to sustainability of the organization.

In times of adversity, embracing a growth mindset helps to navigate through chaos with much more grace and ease. Instead of fixating on perfectionism, we learn to prioritize flexibility and adaptability.

This post was originally published on the Hive Mind platform and is part of series for building personal and organizational resilience and is published under the CC-BY licence.


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Anna Kuliberda Coaching


Tel: 0049 1522 25 63 182


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